Thematic investing
The ability to identifying emerging or staying power leaders in large & growing addressable markets. Owning these just a few of these great companies over a lifetime can substantially grow your personal net worth.
“Exceptional can take time”-Ron Baron
Often when investing, great companies can take time to emerge as great stocks. With the right long term perspective, patience is often rewarded when you let your winners run. The great part of investing is that Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s) allow investors to buy into disruptive companies that may turn into the next Apple, Amazon, Facebook or Netflix.
The great paradox of investing is that most individual investors sell their best performing investments too soon in order to average down on their losers. Buying leading companies making new 52 week highs and selling higher can lead to great success. Keep in mind that in order for an investment to double or triple in price, it must continually make new highs.
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